Jeroen Smits

Social researcher with a passion for database building


Submitted papers

  1. Venkataraman, H., J. Vyrastekova, P. Vermeulen, J. Smits. Reconfiguring a social innovation for women’s empowerment: the role of capacity-focused and credit-focused microcredit groups in rural India.
  2. Wantong, Li, Gregory Duveiller, Fabian Gans, Jeroen Smits, Guido Kraemer, Dorothea Frank, Miguel D. Mahecha, Ulrich Weber, Micro Migliavacca, Andrej Ceglar, Markus Reichstein. Syndromes of anthroposphere-biosphere-atmosphere change: towards a data-driven diagnosis.
  3. Huisman, J, Rosanne Martyr, René Rott & J. Smits. Projections of climate change vulnerability along the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways, 2020-2100. Resubmit to Climate and Development
  4. Schilpzand, Rutger & Jeroen Smits. The Domestic Transition: Progress Towards Decent Living of Households in Low and Middle-Income Countries. Resubmitted to Journal of International Development.
  5. Venkataraman, H., J. Smits, H. Swaminathan, P. Vermeulen. Ties that Bind? Husband’s capital and microcredit group’s role for women’s business ownership in rural south India. Resubmitted to Journal of International Development.

Accepted papers

  1. Smits, J & J. Huisman. (2024). The GDL climate change vulnerability index (GVI). Social Indicators Research. Online version available here.
  2. Crombach, L & J. Smits. (2024). Understanding the Urban-Rural Fertility Divide in sub-Saharan Africa: The Critical Role of Social Isolation. Population, Space and Place, e2801. Online version available here.

Published papers

  1. Crombach, L & J. Smits (2024). The Subnational Corruption Database: Grand and petty corruption in 1,473 regions of 178 countries, 1995-2022. (Nature) Scientific Data, 11, 686. Online version available here.
  2. Wildeman, J., J. Smits & S. Schrijner (2023). Ethnic variation in fertility preferences in sub-Saharan Africa. Population Research and Policy Review, 42. Online version available here.
  3. Wildeman, J., S. Schrijner & J. Smits (2023). Fertility rates and social media usage in sub‐Saharan Africa. Population, Space and Place, 29(4), e35. Online version available here.
  4. Ebbers, A. & J. Smits (2022). Household and context-level determinants of birth registration in sub-Saharan Africa. PLoS ONE, 174, e0265882. Online version available here.
  5. Bras, H & J. Smits (2021). Contexts of Reproduction. Gender Dynamics and Unintended Pregnancy in sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Marriage and Family, 84(2), 438-456. Online version available here.
  6. Crombach, L & J. Smits (2021). The demographic window of opportunity and economic growth at sub-national level in 91 developing countries. Social Indicators Research, 161, pages 171–189. Online version available here.
  7. Andrijevic, Marina, Edward Byers, Alessio Mastrucci, Jeroen Smits & Sabine Fuss (2021). Future cooling gap in Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Environmental Research Letters, 16, 094053. Online version available here.
  8. Monden, C., G. Pison & J. Smits (2021). Twin peaks: More twinning in humans than ever before. Human Reproduction. Online version available here.
  9. Crombach, L., J. Smits & C. Monden (2021). Inequality of life expectancy in the long run. Chapter 6 in "How was Life II: New perspectives on historical global inequality" Paris: OECD. Online version available here.
  10. Permanyer, I. & J. Smits. (2020). The subnational Human Development Index: Details on inequality. N-IUSSP, October 19, 2020. Online version available here.
  11. Alcorta, L., J. Smits & H. Swedlund (2020). Discrimination and ethnic conflict: a dyadic analysis of politically-excluded groups in sub-Saharan Africa. International Interactions.46(2), 251–273. Online version available here.
  12. Kraemer, G., M. Reichstein, G. Camps-Valls, J. Smits & M. Mahecha (2020). The Low Dimensionality of Development. Social Indicators Research 150, 999–1020. Online version available here.
  13. Permanyer, I. & J. Smits. (2020). Inequality in human development across the globe. Population and Development Review. 46(3), 583-601. Online version available here.
  14. Alcorta, L., J. Smits, H. Swedlund & E. De Jong (2020). The ‘Dark Side’ of Social Capital: A Cross-National Examination of the Relationship Between Social Capital and Violence in Africa. Social Indicators Research,149, 445–465. Online version available here.
  15. Berendsen, M., B. van Gijzel, J. Smits, Q. De Mast, P. Aaby, C. Benn, M. Netea, A. Van der Ven (2019). BCG vaccination is associated with reduced malaria prevalence in children under the age of five in sub-Saharan Africa. BMJ Global Health, 4, e00186. Online version available here.
  16. Mahecha, M., D. Guha-Sapir, J. Smits, F. Gans, G. Kraemer (2019). Data challenges limit our global understanding of humanitarian disasters triggered by climate extremes. In Sillmann et al., Climate extremes and their implications for impact and risk assessment. Elsevier. Information available here.
  17. Schrijner, S. & J. Smits (2019). Paternity Uncertainty or Male Dominance? Paternal versus Maternal Grandmothers' Contribution to Children's Schooling in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Child and Family Studies. Online version available here.
  18. Komarulzaman, A., E. De Jong & J. Smits (2019). Effects of water and health on primary school absenteism and enrolment in Indonesia. Journal of Water and Health.17(4), 633-646. Online version available here.
  19. Smits, J & I. Permanyer (2019). The Subnational Human Development Database. (Nature) Scientific Data, 6, 190038. Online version available here.
  20. Komarulzaman, A., E. De Jong & J. Smits (2019). Hidden Water Affordability Problems Revealed in Developing Countries. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 145(4). Online version available here.
  21. Schrijner, S. & J. Smits. (2018). Grandparents and Children's Stunting in sub-Saharan Africa. Social Science and Medicine, 205, 90-98. Online version available here.
  22. Alcorta, L., J. Smits & H. Swetlund (2018). Inequality and ethnic conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa. Social Forces, 97(2), 769–792. Online version available here.
  23. Bayissa, F., J. Smits & R. Ruben (2018). The multidimensional nature of women's empowerment: Beyond the economic approach. Journal of International Development, 30, 661-690. Online version available here.
  24. Schrijner, S. & J. Smits (2018). Grandmothers and Children’s Schooling in Sub-Saharan Africa. Human Nature, 29(1), 65–89. Online version available here.
  25. Komarulzaman, A., E. De Jong & J. Smits (2017). The Switch to Refillable Bottled Water in Indonesia: A Serious Health Risk. Journal of Water and Health, 15(6), 1004-1014. Online version available here.
  26. Monden, C. & J. Smits (2017). Mortality among twins and singletons in sub-Saharan Africa between 1995 and 2014. Lancet Global Health, 5(7), e673–e679. Online version available here.
  27. Bayissa, F., J. Smits & R. Ruben (2017). Group versus individual risk-taking preferences in ongoing women groups in Ethiopia. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 21(3), 148-158. Online version available here.
  28. Huisman, J & J. Smits. (2017). Duration and quality of the peer review process: the author's perspective. Scientometrics, 113(1), pp 633–650. Online version available here.
  29. Komarulzaman, A., J. Smits & E. de Jong (2017). Clean Water, Sanitation and Diarrhoea in Indonesia: Effects of Household and Community Factors. Global Public Health, 12(9), 1141-1155. Online version available here.
  30. De Jong, E., J. Smits, & A. Longwe (2017). Estimating the causal effect of fertility on women's employment in Africa using twins. World Development, 90, 360-368. Online version available here.
  31. Bayissa, F., J. Smits & R. Ruben (2017). The Importance of Monitoring for Developing Intra-Group Trust in Ethiopian Women’s workgroups. Journal of African Business, 18(3), 340-356. Online version available here.
  32. Lenjiso, B., J. Smits & R. Ruben (2016). Smallholder Milk market participation and intra-household time allocation in Ethiopia. European Journal of Development Research, 28(5), 808-825. Paper available here.
  33. Lenjiso, B., J. Smits, R. Ruben (2016). Transforming Gender Relations through the Market: Smallholder Milk Market Participation and Women`s Intra-household Bargaining Power in Ethiopia . Journal of Development Studies, 52(7), 1002-1018. Paper available here.
  34. Berendsen, M., J. Smits, M. Netea & A. Van der Ven (2016). Non-specific effects of vaccines and stunting: Timing may be essential. Ebiomedicine. Doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2016.05.010. Online version available here.
  35. Lenjiso, B., J. Smits & R. Ruben (2016). Smallholder milk market participation, dietary diversity and nutritional status among young children in Ethiopia. Journal of Gender, Agriculture and Food Security, 1(2), 129-147. Paper available here.
  36. Pison, G., Monden, C. & J. Smits (2015). Is the twin-boom in developed countries coming to an end? Population and Development Review, 41(4), 629–649.Paper available here.
  37. Huisman, J. & J. Smits (2015). Keeping children in school: Household and district-level determinants of school dropout in 322 districts of 30 developing countries. Sage Open, October-December, 1-15, DOI: 10.1177/2158244015609666. Paper available here.
  38. Afeworki, R., J. Smits, J. Tolboom & A. van der Ven (2015). Positive effect of large birth intervals on early childhood hemoglobin levels in Africa is limited to girls. Cross-sectional DHS study. PLoS ONE 10(6), 1-14, e0131897. Paper available here.
  39. Webbink, E., E. De Jong & J. Smits (2015). Child labor in Africa and Asia: Household and context determinants of hours worked in paid labor by young children in 16 low-income countries. European Journal of Development Research, 27, 84-98.
  40. Paper available here.
  41. Smits, J. & R. Steendijk (2015). The International Wealth Index (IWI). Social Indicators Research, 122(1), 65-85.
  42. Paper available here.
  43. Smits, J. & C. Monden (2014). Length of life inequality. In Alex C. Michalis (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research. Springer.
  44. Haverkate, M., J. Smits, H. Meijerink & A. van der Ven (2014). Socioeconomic determinants of hemoglobin levels of African women are less important in areas with more health facilities: a multilevel analysis. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 68(2), 116-122.
  45. Paper available here.
  46. Vyrastekova, J., J. Huisman, I. Mosha & J. Smits (2014). Gender differences in parental altruism; Evidence from field experiments in Tanzania. PLoS ONE, 9(6), 1-6 (e99952).
  47. Open access, download here.
  48. Smits, J. (2014). Ethnic intermarriage and social cohesion: The case of Yugoslavia. In Alex C. Michalis (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life Research. Springer.
  49. Smits, J. & J. Huisman. (2013). Determinants of educational participation and gender differences in education in six Arab countries. Acta Sociologica, 56(4), 325-346.
  50. Longwe, A. & J.Smits (2013). The Impact of Family Planning on Primary School Participation in Sub-national Areas within 25 African Countries. African Journal of Reproductive Health, 17(2), 23-38.
  51. Monden, C. & J. Smits. (2013). Maternal education reduces sex differentials in under-five mortality in Southern Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Epidemiology, 42(1), 211-218.
  52. Webbink, E., J. Smits & E. De Jong (2013). Household and context determinants of child labor in 221 districts of 18 developing countries. Social Indicators Research, 110(2), 819-836.
  53. Open access, download here.
  54. Longwe, A. & J. Smits (2012). Reproductive Health Outcomes and School Enrollment in Sub-Saharan Africa. Studies in Family Planning, 43(2), 127-134.
  55. Smits, J. & C. Monden. (2012). Taller Indian women are more successful at the marriage market. American Journal of Human Biology, 24(4), 437-478.
  56. Webbink, E., J. Smits & E. De Jong. (2012). Hidden child labour: Determinants of housework and family business work of children in 16 developing countries. World Development, 40(3), 631-642.
  57. Smits, J. & C. Monden. (2011). Twinning Across the Developing World. PLoS ONE, 6(9), 1-5 (e25239).
  58. Open access, download here.
  59. Monden, C & J. Smits (2011). Ongelijkheid in levensduur. Pp. 167-182 in G. Kraaykamp, M. Levels & A. Need (red.), Problemen en theorieen in onderzoek. Een staalkaart van de hedendaagse Nederlandse empirisch-theoretische sociologie. Assen: Van Gorcum.
  60. Spierings, N., J. Smits & M. Verloo. (2010). Micro and macro-level determinants of women's employment in six Arab countries. Journal of Marriage and Family, 72, 1391-1407.
  61. Delsen, L. & J. Smits (2010). Does the Life Course Savings Scheme have the Potential to Improve Work-Life Balance? British Journal of Industrial Relations, 48(3), 583-604.
  62. Smits, J. (2010). Ethnic intermarriage and social cohesion: What can we learn from Yugoslavia? Social Indicators Research, 96, 417-432.
  63. Open acces, download here.
  64. Smits, J. & H. Park. (2009). Five decades of educational assortative marriage in ten East Asian societies. Social Forces, 88(1), 227-256.
  65. Monden, C. & J. Smits (2009). Maternal height and child mortality in 42 developing countries. American Journal of Human Biology, 21, 305-311.
  66. Delsen, L. & J. Smits. (2009). Operating Hours in the EU: the Role of Strategy, Structure and Context. Pp. 54-82 in L. Delsen, F. Bauer, G. Cette and M. Smith (eds.) Comparative Analyses of Operating Hours and Working Times in the European Union, Heidelberg: Springer Press.
  67. Smits, J. & C. Monden. (2009). Length of Life Inequality Around the Globe. Social Science and Medicine, 68, 1114-1123.
  68. Spierings, N., J. Smits & M. Verloo (2009). On the compatibility of Islam and gender equality: Effects of modernization, State Islamization, and democracy on women's labor market participation in 45 Muslim countries. Social Indicators Research, 90, 503-521.
  69. Open access, download here.
  70. Delsen, L. & J. Smits (2009). Belangstelling voor levensloopregeling groeit. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 94, 568-570
  71. Huisman, J. & J. Smits. (2009). Effects of household and district-level factors on primary school enrollment in 30 developing countries. World Development, 37(1), 179-193.
  72. Smits, J., J. Huisman & K. Kruijff (2008). Home language and education in the developing world. Commissioned study for the Education for All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report 2009. "Overcoming inequality: Why governance matters".
  73. Paper available here.
  74. Gündüz-Hosgör, A. & J. Smits (2008). Variation in Labor Market Participation of Married Women in Turkey. Women's Studies International Forum, 31, 104-117.
  75. Van der Weide, M, T. Van Achterberg, J. Smits, J. Heesakkers, B. Bemelmans & L. Hilbrands (2008). Causes of frequency and nocturia after renal transplantation. British Journal of Urology International, 101(8), 1029-1034.
  76. Delsen, L. & J. Smits (2007). Levensloopregeling heeft potentie. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 92, 676-679.
  77. Westert, G & J. Smits (2007). Onderzoek naar zorggebruik en de toegankelijkheid van de gezondheidszorg. Pp. 307-315 in T. Plochg, R. Juttmann, N. Klazinga & J. Mackenbach (Eds.), Handboek gezondheidszorgonderzoek. Houten: Bohn, Stafleu, Van Loghum.
  78. Gündüz-Hosgör, A. & J. Smits. (2007). The status of rural women in Turkey: What is the role of regional differences. In Valentine Moghadam (ed.) Empowering women: Participation, rights and women's movements in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.
  79. Download paper here.
  80. Benders, J., L. Delsen & J. Smits. (2006). Bikes versus lease cars: the use of cafetaria systems in the Netherlands. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17, 1115-1128.
  81. Van der Weide, M., E. Cornelissen, T. Van Achterberg, J. Smits & W. Feitz. (2006). Dysfunction of the lower urinary tract in renal transplant children with nephrological disease. Urology, 67, 1060-1065.
  82. Delsen, L. & J. Smits. (2006). Operating hours and working time in the Netherlands. Pp. 122-146 in L. Delsen, D. Bosworth, H. Groß, R. Muñoz de Bustillo y Llorente (eds.) Operating Hours and Working Times: A Survey of Capacity Utilisation and Employment in the European Union. Heidelberg: Springer Press.
  83. Smits, J. & A. Gündüz-Hosgör. (2006). Effects of family background characteristics on educational participation in Turkey. International Journal of Educational Development, 26, 545-560
  84. De Jong, E., R. Smeets & J. Smits. (2006). Culture and openness. Social Indicators Research, 78, 111-136.
  85. Delsen, L., J. Benders & J. Smits. (2006). Choices within collective agreements à la carte in the Netherlands. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44, 51-72.
  86. Park, H., & J. Smits. (2005). Educational assortative mating in South Korea: Trends 1930-1998. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 23, 103-127
  87. Claussen, B., J. Smits, O. Naess & G. Davey Smith. (2005). Intragenerational mobility and mortality in Oslo, Norway: Social selection versus social causation. Social Science and Medicine, 61, 2513-2520.
  88. Mol, G., E. Lisdonk, J. Smits, H. Hoogen, J. Bor & G. Westert. (2005). A widening health gap in general practice? Socio-economic differences in morbidity 1975-2000. Public Health, 119, 616-625.
  89. Monden, C. & J. Smits. (2005). Ethnic intermarriage in times of social change: The case of Latvia. Demography, 42(2), 323-345.
  90. Smits, J., I. Keij & G. Westert. (2005). Effects of socio-economic status on mortality: separating the nearby from the farther away. Health Economics, 14(6), 595-608.
  91. Nagelkerke, N., J. Smits., S. Le Cessie & H. Van Houwelingen. (2005) Testing goodness-of-fit of the logistic model in case control studies using different sampling weights. Statistics in Medicine, 24(1), 121-130.
  92. Benders, J., L. Delsen & J. Smits (2004). Niederländische Erfahrungen mit dem Tarifvertrag à la carte. WSI Mitteilungen, 57(7), 363-366.
  93. Smits, J., C. Mulder & P. Hooimeijer. (2004). Migration of couples with non-employed and employed wives in the Netherlands: the changing effects of the partners' characteristics. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 30(2) 283-301.
  94. Van der Weide, M. & J. Smits (2004). Adoption of innovation by specialized nurses: Personal, work and organisational characteristics. Health Policy, 68, 81-92.
  95. Smits, J. & A. Gündüz-Hosgör (2003). Linguistic capital: Language as a socio-economic resource among Kurdish and Arabic women in Turkey. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 26, 829-853.
  96. Westert, G., J. Smits, J. Polder & J. Mackenbach (2003). Community income and surgical rates in the Netherlands. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 57, 519-522.
  97. Smits, J. (2003). Social closure among the higher educated: Trends in educational homogamy in 55 countries. Social Science Research, 32, 251-277.
  98. Smits, J., C. Mulder & P. Hooimeijer (2003). Changing gender roles, shifting power balance, and long-distance migration of couples. Urban Studies, 40, 603-613.
  99. Van den Bos, G., J. Smits, G. Westert & A. van Straten (2002). Socioeconomic variations in the course of stroke: unequal health outcomes, equal care? Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 56, 943-948.
  100. Delsen, L. & J. Smits (2002). Operating hours and working time in the Netherlands. Pp. 79-96 in F. Bauer, H. Gross and G. Sieglen (eds.), Operating hours in Europe. Colon: ISO.
  101. Gündüz-Hosgör, A. & J. Smits (2002). Intermarriage between Turks and Kurds in contemporary Turkey: Inter-ethnic relations in an urbanizing environment. European Sociological Review, 18, 417-432.
  102. Smits, J., M. Droomers & G. Westert (2002). Sociaal-economische status en toegankelijkheid van zorg in Nederland. Rapport nr. 279601002/2002. Bilthoven: Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM).
  103. Smits, J., I. Keij, & G. Westert (2002). Sociaal-economische status beinvloed sterfte. Index, 8, 30-32.
  104. Smits, J., G. Westert & G. van den Bos (2002). Socioeconomic status of very small areas and stroke incidence in the Netherlands. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 56, 637-640.
  105. Van der Weide, M. & J. Smits (2001). The influence of ward characteristics on the adoption of innovations in nursing. Nursing Economics, 19, 220-227.
  106. Smits, J., J. Odink & J. Hartog. (2001). New results on returns to education in the Netherlands. Pp. 179-197 in Colm Harmon, Ian Walker and Niels Westergard-Nielsen (eds.), Education and Earnings in Europe: A Cross Country Analysis of Returns to Education. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
  107. Smits, J. (2001). Career migration, self-selection, and the earnings of married men and women in the Netherlands. Urban Studies, 38, 541-562.
  108. Smits, J., I. Keij, & G. Westert (2001). Effecten van sociaal-economische status van kleine, middelgrote en grote geografische eenheden op de sterfte Maandstatistiek van de bevolking, 11, 4-10.
  109. Smits, J., W. Ultee & J. Lammers (2000). More or less educational homogamy? A test of different versions of modernization theory using cross-temporal evidence for 60 countries. American Sociological Review, 65, 781-788.
  110. Smits, J. (2000). Etnisch gemengde huwelijken en sociale cohesie. Mens en Maatschappij, 75, 4-21.
  111. Hartog, J., J. Odink, & J. Smits (1999). Private returns to education in the Netherlands. In Asplund, R. & Pereira, P. T. (Eds.), Returns to human capital in Europe: A literature review. Helsinki: ETLA.
  112. Mulder, C. & J. Smits (1999). Home-ownership of couples: The effects of intergenerational transmission. European Sociological review, 15, 323-337.
  113. Smits, J. (1999). Family migration and the labor force participation of married women in the Netherlands, 1977-1996. International Journal of Population Geography, 5, 133-150.
  114. Hartog, J., J. Odink, & J. Smits (1999). Rendement op scholing stabiliseert. Economisch Statistische Berichten, 4215, 582-583.
  115. Smits, J., W. Ultee & J. Lammers (1999). Occupational homogamy in eight countries of the European Union: 1975-1989. Acta Sociologica, 42, 55-68.
  116. Van der Weide, M. & J. Smits (1999). Acceptatie van innovatie. Verpleegkunde, 14, 106-115.
  117. Smits, J. (1998). Gevolgen van verhuizingen over lange afstand voor de arbeidsparticipatie van gehuwde vrouwen in Nederland. Mens en Maatschappij, 73, 322-338.
  118. Smits, J., W. Ultee & J. Lammers (1998). Educational homogamy in 65 countries: an explanation of differences in openness using country-level explanatory variables. American Sociological Review, 63, 264-285.
  119. Smits, J. (1998). Gevolgen van verhuizingen over lange afstand voor het inkomen van gehuwde mannen en vrouwen. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 14, 39-56.
  120. Smits, J. (1997). Sociale geslotenheid onder hoger opgeleiden. Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 18, 301-327.
  121. Smits, J., W. Ultee & J. Lammers (1996). Scheidslijnen in de beroepsstructuur. Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 17, 83-105.
  122. Smits, J., W. Ultee & J. Lammers (1996). Effects of occupational status differences between spouses on the wife's labor force participation and occupational achievement: findings from 12 European countries. Journal of Marriage and Family, 58, 101-115.
  123. Smits, J. (1996). Trouwpatronen en sociale openheid: Opleidingshomogamie en beroepshomogamie in een zestigtal landen. Dissertatie: Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen.
  124. Smits, J., W. Ultee & J. Lammers (1996). Gevolgen van verschillen in beroepsniveau tussen huwelijkspartners voor de beroepscarrière van gehuwde vrouwen. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 12, 62-78.
  125. Smits, J., W. Ultee & J. Lammers (1996). De verklaring van verschillen in opleidingshomogamie tussen 65 landen. Mens en Maatschappij, 71, 41-57.
  126. Hendrickx, J., W. Uunk & J. Smits (1995). Stratificatie en het huwelijk: partnerkeuze en partnereffecten. Pp. 162-181 in J. Dronkers & W. Ultee (Eds.), Verschuivende ongelijkheid in Nederland: Sociale gelaagdheid en mobiliteit. Assen: Van Gorcum.
  127. Smits, J. & F. Huijgen (1991). Geslachtsspecifieke ongelijkheid in de werkgelegenheid. Pp. 43-58 in C. Bouw e.a. (eds.), Macht en onbehagen: Veranderingen in de verhoudingen tussen vrouwen en mannen. A'dam: SUA.
  128. Huijgen, F. & J. Smits (1990). Verdringing op de Nederlandse Arbeidsmarkt: Fictie of Werkelijkheid? Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 6, 19-21.